
What are pledges?

Among the tools available to the European Coalition, as well as the respective National Coalitions, are the joint initiatives for digital skills (pledges)

What are their characteristics?

All organizations, businesses and government bodies agree and pledge to undertake joint initiatives to enhance digital skills in Europe. These partnership initiatives for digital skills should have the following characteristics:

They should be harmonized with the four (4) key pillars of the European Coalition (education, training, ICT professionals, citizens)

The initiatives planned and implemented by the various bodies should not be strictly limited to their respective fields. Instead, they should generate high added value to society.

They should provide measurable results for each specific group of beneficiaries.

They should be provided in good faith and without any conditions to beneficiaries.

Such initiatives tend to confirm that the organizations act along with the EU in the effort to provide European citizens with skills that are essential in modern life, work and the digital era in general. They contribute to the full use of the opportunities offered by new technologies for an enhanced European competitiveness, more flexible human resources and a modernized society.


Indicatively, joint initiatives for digital skills could include:

Educational activities

Facilitation of citizens’ access to educational opportunities

Creation of the right conditions to ensure all citizens are offered equal access to the digital era

Actions to raise the awareness of citizens on the opportunities, but also the challenges of digital skills

It is worth mentioning that organizations can participate in joint initiatives regardless of their economic size. However, only proposals submitted by organizations, and not by individuals, will be accepted.

To submit a proposal, please fill in the following e-form. If you need support to draft and submit a pledge, you can send an e-mail at for help and guidance.

Submit pledge !

Your organisation needs to endorse “The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Members Charter” by completing the form below to submit pledge.


    This will be the name displayed in the National Coalition public list

    Not public

    Not public

    Not public


    Choose the country you develop actions


    Logo not chosen
    Please provide a high-resolution logo of your organisation (by uploading it you transfer the rights to use it to the National Coalition). Files must be less than 4 MB. Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png psd pdf svg ps ai cdr.

    Main Contact Person

    This will be the name displayed in the Coalition public list

    This will be the name displayed in the Coalition public list

    This will be the e-mail displayed in the Coalition public list

    Additional contact person (optional)



    File not chosen
    Allowed file types: word pdf

    Fields with (*) are required.